Posts with tag: ganbare neo-poke kun
Posted at 11:07 on 21st August 2009
This article is part of the NeoGeo Pocket Color: 10th Anniversary retrospective. I wrote about this game before in 2003, but these are my updated (and hopefully final) views. If you take a group of artists that has been denied meaningful creative freedom for years, and give them carte blanche to make what they want, […]
Go to article →Posted at 23:14 on 25th May 2008
The Neo Geo Pocket Color (NGPC to it’s friends) was SNK’s attempt to revitalise the handheld market in the early 1990s, having recognised that Nintendo’s decade-long dominance of the sector had led to stagnation, and that there was an untapped audience for a more technically advanced system with games that appealed to players who wanted […]
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