Posts with tag: PC

Why APB must succeed
Posted at 01:55 on 30th July 2009

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” George Bernard Shaw, again In the previous post, I complained about the Dead Space franchise, and the prevalence of “pot-boilers” in publisher’s catalogues – games that tick […]

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The Shareware Age
Posted at 09:10 on 24th May 2009

Ten years since I started regularly writing words on the internet it has occurred to me that there might be people willing to offer me money to do this. The first fruits of this experiment can now be viewed on Eurogamer, where I’ve contributed a piece to their regular Sunday morning retro strand about the […]

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Braid PC annoyances
Posted at 09:00 on 15th April 2009

“Braid treats your time and attention as precious.” Braid official website The PC version of Jonathan Blow’s arty platform puzzler Braid came out last week, complete with a demo. Much praise has been lavished on this game since its original release on the Xbox 360 last year. I’ve not caved in and paid for the […]

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King’s Bounty: The Legend
Posted at 00:23 on 11th January 2009

King’s Bounty: The Legend (KB:TL) is the latest product of the burgeoning Russian game development scene to have piqued the interest of Western PC gamers. It was brought to my attention by Rock Paper Shotgun whose initial puzzled amusement seems to have snowballed into championing the game as a shining example of where PC games […]

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Droid Assault
Posted at 11:55 on 15th October 2008

I’ve always been a big fan of robots. From an early age I was immersed in a culture of Usborne books, Tomy-bots (I’m still working on a plausible sounding reason to spend £200 on this little guy), Asimov’s Laws, Capsela, Kryten, Marvin and Nono. (Although no Transformers, oddly.) Aged six I even won a prize […]

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Posted at 10:00 on 4th April 2008

In a break from our usual programming, I made a game: “Scrumper is a game that allows the player to engage in the ‘victimless’ crime of apple theft from the comfort of their own home. The object of the game is to catch as many falling apples as possible.” It has already received glowing testimonials […]

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Stunt Island
Posted at 22:44 on 24th February 2008

In the last couple of years, the line between PC and console gaming has been (in some respects) almost completely erased. The simultaneous release of high profile titles on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 is becoming the norm. It’s easy to forget that before the mid-1990s, computer and console gaming were completely different worlds – […]

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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Posted at 22:59 on 12th February 2008

I played through the single player campaign of Call of Duty 4 a few weeks ago. I’m not sure what I can add to that statement, as judging by the sales figures, most of you will have also played it and formed your own opinions already. Shifting over seven million copies in a few short […]

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Posted at 14:50 on 5th January 2008

Another of the highlights of 2007 that I’ve only just gotten around to playing is Irrational’s Bioshock, a game that has already been ludicrously hyped, critically feted, endlessly discussed, lashed back against and had its backlash lashed back at. As a game, Bioshock isn’t as good as the best games-of-vaguely-comparable-genre out there (e.g. Deus Ex, […]

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Silent Storm
Posted at 18:18 on 25th March 2007

Silent Storm is a turn-based tactical combat game for the PC, in which the player controls an elite commando unit during an alternate universe World War II. (The fantasy setting becomes more obvious later in the game as the existence of various improbable experimental weapons is revealed.) The game was developed by Russia’s greatest PC […]

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Cyrodiil on fifty Septims a day
Posted at 17:27 on 1st May 2006

  So, Oblivion then. I’ve put in about 100 hours so far, which goes some way to explaining why this site hasn’t been updated for a while. The game is currently being experienced by about two million people, which is pretty good going considering it’s not exceptionally mainstream in terms of genre or hardware requirements […]

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